Taxes on goods and services
Taxes on goods and services (including sales taxes, value added taxes and excise duties), expressed as share of GDP.
All our related research and data
- Composition of tax revenues
- Government revenues as a share of national income
- Income inequality: Gini coefficient (after vs. before tax)World Bank (via UN SDG)
- Number of countries having implemented value added taxes
- Relative weight of two forms of consumption taxation
- Revenue from income taxes in Europe
- Share of domestic budget funded by domestic taxes
- Statutory corporate income tax rate
- Tax reduction in income inequalityOECD
- Tax revenue
- Tax revenue as share of GDP
- Tax revenue vs GDP per capita
- Tax revenues by source
- Taxation vs. electoral democracy
- Taxes on income vs. taxes on goods and services
- Taxes on incomes of individuals and corporations
- Top marginal income tax rate
- Top marginal income tax rates
- Top marginal income tax rates, selected countries
- Total tax revenues
- Two sources of data on tax revenue as share of GDP