Land use of foods per 1000 kilocalories

Land use is measured in meters squared (m²) required to produce 1000 kilocalories of a given food product.

119.49 m²116.66 m²22.68 m²15.84 m²14.92 m²7.26 m²6.61 m²4.7 m²4.35 m²4.21 m²3.22 m²2.9 m²2.88 m²2.69 m²2.16 m²2.11 m²1.86 m²1.57 m²1.44 m²1.31 m²1.2 m²0.89 m²0.76 m²0.65 m²Beef (beef herd)Lamb & MuttonCheeseBeef (dairy herd)MilkPig MeatPoultry MeatFish (farmed)EggsTomatoesBananasOatmealPrawns (farmed)Citrus FruitPeasNutsCassavaGroundnutsWheat & RyeApplesPotatoesRoot VegetablesRiceMaize

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