All our related research and data
- Economic Growth
- Human Height
- Food Supply
- The history of the end of poverty has just begun
- Global economic inequality: what matters most for your living conditions is not who you are, but where you are
- Extreme poverty: how far have we come, how far do we still have to go?
- What is economic growth? And why is it so important?
- Breaking out of the Malthusian trap: How pandemics allow us to understand why our ancestors were stuck in poverty
- Optimism and Pessimism
- Most of us are wrong about how the world has changed (especially those who are pessimistic about the future)
- The economies that are home to the poorest billions of people need to grow if we want global poverty to decline substantially
- Access to a financial account or services
- Access to electricity vs. GDP per capita
- Annual growth of GDP per capita
- Average years of schooling vs. expected years of schooling
- CO₂ emissions per capita vs GDP per capita
- Child mortality vs GDP per capita
- Expected years of schooling vs. GDP per capita
- GDPMaddison 2020 world regions stacked area
- GDP in British pounds
- GDP in England(since 1270)
- GDP per capita2017 Int-$
- GDP per capitaPenn World Table
- GDP per capita2015 US-$
- GDP per capita from the World Bank vs. GDP per capita from the Maddison Project
- GDP per capita in England
- GDP per capita vs population density
- GDP per capita vs. median income or consumption per day
- GDP per capita: World Bank vs. Penn World Table
- GDP per person employed
- Global Hunger Index vs. GDP per capita
- Government spending vs GDP per capita
- Gross domestic product (GDP)World Bank
- Growth of GDP and trade
- Growth rate of real GDP per employed person
- Hidden Hunger Index vs. GDP per capita
- Historical Index of Human Development (without GDP metric) vs. GDP per capita
- Historical Index of Human Development vs. GDP per capita
- Historical Index of Human Development with GDP metric vs. without GDP metric
- Human Development Index vs. GDP per capita
- Labor force participation rate of men, 65 years and older in the USA
- Life expectancy vs. GDP per capitaMaddison
- Literacy rate vs. GDP per capita
- Manufacturing's value added to GDP
- Mean vs. median daily income
- Medical doctors per 1,000 people vs. GDP per capita
- National GDP
- National poverty line vs. GDP per capita
- Nominal wages, consumer prices, and real wages in the UK
- Output of key industrial sectors in England and the UK
- Output of key industries in England
- Output of key service and industrial sectors in England and the UK
- Price level relative to the US vs GDP per capita
- Productivity: output per hour worked
- Real GDP growthIMF
- Self-reported life satisfaction vs GDP per capita
- Share of adults who smoke vs GDP per capita
- Share of children who are stunted vs. GDP per capita
- Shares of GDP by economic sector
- Tax revenue vs GDP per capita
- Urban population vs. GDP per capita
- World Bank income groups
- World GDP over the last two millennia