Child mortality rate
The share of newborns who die before reaching the age of five.
All our related research and data
- Breakdown of child mortality by cause
- Causes of death in children under five years old
- Child death rates by cause for boys vs. girls in India
- Child deaths by life stage
- Child deaths by world region
- Child deaths from diseases caused by invasive pneumococcus
- Child deaths in 1960 vs. 2019
- Child deaths in the 1st year of life
- Child deaths in the first 5 years of life by age groupLine chart
- Child deaths in the first 5 years of life by age groupStacked area chart
- Child mortalityLong-run data; Gapminder & UN IGME
- Child mortality by income level of country
- Child mortality by sex
- Child mortality by sexWorld Bank
- Child mortality by source
- Child mortality from respiratory infections vs. access to clean fuels for cooking
- Child mortality from respiratory infections vs. share taken to a healthcare provider
- Child mortality in the past vs todayUN IGME
- Child mortality rateUN (from 1950)
- Child mortality rateSlope chart
- Child mortality rateLine chart
- Child mortality rateWith SDG Target
- Child mortality rate
- Child mortality rate vs. electoral democracy
- Child mortality rate vs. share of population practicing open defecation
- Child mortality rate, including UN projections
- Child mortality vs GDP per capita
- Child mortality vs level of prosperity
- Child mortality vs per capita health expenditure
- Child mortality vs share of children immunized against diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus
- Child mortality vs. prevalence of anemia among pregnant women
- Child mortality vs. prevalence of child wasting
- Child mortality vs. prevalence of stunting
- Child mortality vs. prevalence of teenage pregnancy
- Child mortality vs. share in extreme poverty
- Child mortality vs. share of children who are anemic
- Child mortality vs. share with respiratory infections taken to a healthcare provider
- Child mortality vs. women's average years of schooling
- Child mortality: IHME vs UN IGME estimates
- Child mortality: UN IGME vs UN DESA comparison
- Childhood deaths from the five most lethal infectious diseases worldwide
- Children per woman that survived childhood vs those that died in childhood
- Children with diarrheal disease vs. diarrheal treatment
- Death rate from neonatal preterm birth complication
- Death rate from pneumonia in children
- Deaths by ageUN
- Deaths of children younger than 15 years
- Diarrheal diseases death rate in children under five
- Diarrheal diseases death rate in children vs. access to basic handwashing facilities
- Extreme poverty and child mortality
- Global child deaths by cause
- Global child mortalityGapminder & the World Bank
- Global infant mortality by cause for boys vs. girls
- Has country already reached SDG target on child mortality?
- Has country already reached SDG target on neonatal mortality?
- Infant mortality by sex
- Infant mortality rateUN IGME
- Infant mortality vs. prevalence of prenatal care
- Live births in England and Wales at or under 22 weeks gestation
- MDG4.A: Child mortality rate
- Maternal mortality vs. neonatal mortality
- Neonatal mortality vs. births attended by skilled health staff
- Neonatal, infant and child mortality rates
- Number of child deathsSlope chart
- Number of child deathsUN/World Bank
- Number of child deaths by source
- Number of children per who died before they were five years old per woman
- Number of deaths from pneumonia in children under 5
- Number of infant deathsUN via World Bank
- Number of neonatal deathsIHME
- Number of neonatal deaths by region
- Number of under-five deaths by region
- Number of youth deaths
- Population growth vs. child mortality
- Preventable rotavirus deaths in children under five
- Rotavirus deaths in children under five
- Share of children with symptoms of pneumonia who are taken to a health provider
- Youth mortality rate