Breakdown of child mortality by cause, World
Total child mortality rates, measured as the number of deaths per 100,000 children under 5 years old. Deaths have been broken down by non-communicablediseases (NCDs) which include cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes and respiratory diseases. Injuries include deaths from accidents, as well as thosefrom homicide, conflict and natural disasters.
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- Global child deaths by cause
- Global child mortalityGapminder & the World Bank
- Global infant mortality by cause for boys vs. girls
- Has country already reached SDG target on child mortality?
- Has country already reached SDG target on neonatal mortality?
- Infant mortality by sex
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- Infant mortality vs. prevalence of prenatal care
- Live births in England and Wales at or under 22 weeks gestation
- MDG4.A: Child mortality rate
- Maternal mortality vs. neonatal mortality
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- Number of child deathsSlope chart
- Number of child deathsUN/World Bank
- Number of child deaths by source
- Number of children per who died before they were five years old per woman
- Number of deaths from pneumonia in children under 5
- Number of infant deathsUN via World Bank
- Number of neonatal deathsIHME
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- Number of youth deaths
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- Share of children with symptoms of pneumonia who are taken to a health provider
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